As the local elections roll round, and all parties gear up for their final desperate push, is there really any choice any more for voters?
Die hard fans not withstanding (by that I mean affiliates of one of the parties, rather than Bruce Willis fans... although you may be just as well voting for him...) it used to be that you voted for the "other" party when the current one had made a sufficient mess of things.
However given that we have had both a Labour and a Tory mess in recent years, a Labour leader in opposition who seems nice enough but can often be utterly forgotten about, and not forgetting that the other usual alternative, the Lib Dems, are currently in league with the Tories and have upset even their own followers... what is the alternative?
How will voters show their lack of support for the current batch of self-serving, self-centered, monolithic, rich, political oafs?
It seems that despite being labelled a joke party, not to be taken seriously and only slightly less dubious than the MRLP, UKIP has tottered along and manages the impressive feat of seeming more like old down to earth Labour whilst having a leader who sounds posher than Cameron!
It might not be the US presidential elections but it should be interesting to see if voters can be bothered to vote for anyone and if so, who they choose as an alternative to the current local leaders.